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Discussione: Estar DreamConverter

  1. #1
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2010
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    Predefinito Estar DreamConverter


    EstarDreamConverter V3.1.2.0

    This program will convert the original DM800 images into estar images.

    1. System Requirements
    (1) Operating Systems: 32bit Windows Operating System
    (2) RAM: 128MB free RAM (minimum)

    2. Supported Images
    The original DM800 images with second stage loader #74, #75, #76 and #82 are supported.
    ** Bug: Images with driver 20110215/20110302/20110309 can't play back the recorded programs. This bug will be fixed in the next version of EstarDreamConverter.

    3. For how to install estar images, please refer to "How to install estar images.pdf".

    4. Estar images don't support online update, so please don't do software update/restore in the Software Manager menu of DM800. If the box can't boot up by doing online update, please rescue the box refer to "How to rescue estar DM800.pdf".
    Attached Thumbnails

    EstarDreamConverter V3.1.2.0.rar

    Estar Dream Converter 3.80 is released

    This program will convert the original DM800 images into estar images.

    1. System Requirements
    (1) Operating Systems: 32bit Windows Operating System
    (2) RAM: 128MB free RAM (minimum)

    2. Supported Images
    The original DM800 images with second stage loader #74, #75, #76 , #82 and 84# are supported.
    ** Bug: Images with driver 20111117 are not supported. This bug will be fixed in the next version of EstarDreamConverter. Some images by oozoon maybe are not compatible.

    3. For how to install estar images, please refer to "How to install estar images.pdf".

    4. Estar images don't support online update, so please don't do software update/restore in the Software Manager menu of DM800. If the box can't boot up by doing online update, please rescue the box refer to "How to rescue estar DM800.pdf".


    ################################################## ###
    More Tools and HowTo for estar SIM card

    How to install estar images
    How to rescue estar DM800

    estar-DreamUP_1_3_3_4.rar (878.46KB)

    How%20to%20install%20estar%20images.pdf (29.51KB)

    How%20to%20rescue%20estar%20DM800.pdf (87.18KB)

    estar_ssl.rar (433.51KB)

    ################################################## #########
    EstarDreamConverter3.9 is released

    This program will convert the original DM800 images into estar images.

    1. System Requirements
    (1) Operating Systems: 32bit Windows Operating System
    (2) RAM: 128MB free RAM (minimum)

    2. Supported Images
    The original DM800 images with second stage loader #74, #75, #76 , #82 and 84# are supported.
    ** if no work,try the additional 84# bootloader.

    3. For how to install estar images, please refer to "How to install estar images.pdf".

    4. Estar images don't support online update, so please don't do software update/restore in the Software Manager menu of DM800. If the box can't boot up by doing online update, please rescue the box refer to "How to rescue estar DM800.pdf".


    ################################################## ##
    New converter v3.9c for 800

    dm800 test version3.9 2012.1.30---
    1.icvs-110906 ok
    2.experimental-110831 ok
    3.experimental-110928 ok
    4.experimental-111117 hdd disk
    5.experimental-101126 ok
    6.oozoon-3.0 ok
    7.oozoon-3.2.1 ok
    8.oozoon-3.2.0 ok
    9.SifTeam-r185 ok
    10.openPLi-2.1-111005 ok
    11.Merlin-110709 ok
    12.allrussian-v.3.11.3 hdd disk
    13.LT-5 ok
    14.domica-8-110401 ok
    15.experimental-110305 ok
    16.experimental-110314 ok
    17.experimental-110226 ok
    18.experimental-110114 ok
    19.gemini-510-100721 ok
    20.experimental-110509 ok
    21.experimental-110424 ok
    22.newnigma2-3.2.1 ok
    23.nemesis-2.1 ok
    24.nemesis-2.2 ok
    25.nemesis-(2.3--2.6) OK
    26.icvs-111112 update84# hdd
    27.oozoon-20120309 ok
    28.experimental-20120204 ok
    29.experimental-20120214 ok
    30.experimental-20120309 ok
    31.openPLi-2.1-20120309 ok
    32.dreamelite3.0 ok (Òª²åÍøÏߣ¬DHCP)
    33.NewNigma2 v3.3.2 OK

    ################################################## ######

    e-star DreamConverter v.3.9d


    ################################################## ##########
    new converter3.98b for 800se

    ################################################## ############

    800se converter only for OE2.0

    DreamConvertor_800SE_Version4.00.rar (9.36MB)

  2. #2
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2010
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    Tutorial Estar sim V3.0 Dm800se

    Da sat-univers grazie a pop3happy

    How to rescue estar DM800se
    Please install correct images to DM800se,otherwise the box can’t boot up properly.For example,you should install estar images to DM800se with estar SIM card. DO NOT install estar images to DM800se with other SIM cards,or install other images to DM800se with estar SIM card!
    If you install a wrong image to the box,the OLED will display as follow:

    This tutorial will tell you how to rescue the box.
    Download estar-DreamUP1337 and cp2012 driver from estar website,setup the driver.
    Connect minuUSB to your PC,connect ethernet port to internet (DHCP).
    Open estar-DreamUP1337,setup correct com port,don’t seclect Use Network,click connect then power-on

    Click Disconnect button ,find box’s IP on OLED,select Use Network and setup correct IP,
    then power-off.
    Click connect button and power-on,now you can flash correct estar images.

    Da sat-univers grazie a pop3happy
    ################################################## ########
    tradotto con Google

    Da sat-univers grazie a pop3happy

    Come salvare estar DM800se
    Si prega di installare le immagini corrette per DM800se, in caso contrario la casella non può avviare properly.For esempio, è necessario installare le immagini estar a DM800se estar con carta SIM. NON installare le immagini estar a DM800se con altre schede SIM, o installare altre immagini per DM800se con carta estar SIM!
    Se si installa un'immagine sbagliata alla finestra, l'OLED verrà visualizzato come segue:

    Questo tutorial vi dirà come salvare la scatola.
    Scarica estar-DreamUP1337 e cp2012 driver dal sito estar, l'installazione del driver.
    Collegare minuUSB al PC, collegare la porta ethernet ad internet (DHCP).
    Aperto estar-DreamUP1337, porta com corretta procedura di impostazione, non seclect Uso in rete, fare clic su collegare quindi l'accensione

    Fare clic su Disconnetti pulsante, trovare IP box sulla OLED, selezionare Usa di rete e di configurazione IP corretta,
    poi spegnimento.
    Fare clic collegare il pulsante di accensione e, ora si può lampeggiare le immagini estar corrette.

    grazie a pop3happy

  3. #3
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2010
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    Estar Sim Barry Allen

    Barry Allen 8.9 EstarSim all
    just for estar sim3.0 ,oe1.6

    by yassinov.


  4. #4
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2010
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    New converter v4.2 for 800se estar sim oe2.0


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