EPG Plus

New grid-based EPG module for DVB Dream

Looking forward to your feedbacks.

[+/-] To zoom/change the time scale
[LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys] Move in time to see upcoming and previous events
[UP/DOWN arrow keys & PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN] To see channels / to change page
[SPACE] To focus on the current channel & time

Right click to add to scheduler

- Requires DVB Dream v1.6 or newer
- "Show Scheduler" will only work in next DD version
- Green line is an indicator to show the current time.
- NA Users can right click and pick FirstColumn/"SID + Channel Name" option
- You can maximize and see EPG on fullscreen grid
- You should tune to the right transponder which includes EPG data for all channels
- It will accumulate EPG items as you change channels.

Thanks to rel

In Upload