in up
come i firmware per f16 modifica il boot(sia il 204p che il 204 original),perciò per tornare ai vecchi firmware dovete usare il downgrade che trovate in up
Release notes:

- Added cccam client
- Fixed emu JSC sports on Nilesat
- DigiTv on Thor
- TvGlobo on Hotbird
- RAI on Hotbird (by softcam seca key)
- KingSton on Sirius
- SABC on Intelsat 902,KDG

Update steps!!

1.Download software first wait until reboots.
2.Download module_002p wait until reboots.
3 Save your settings by USB or rs232
4.Make a factory reset and switch OFF (maunpower switch on the rear)the receiver for around 1 minute.
5.Receiver again turn on ,make an auto channel scan or upload the saved settings and make auto channel scan to upgrade the channellist etc...

Now you can also used hidden menu 8281 !!
More info about 8281 in the pdf document !

Info about new s/w core(Ver. 2.0x for HD5000c plus

1. Two channels recording at the same time and another channel watching.
2. Even though they are encrypted channels, they will be descrambled simultaneously.
3. During recording or watching satellite channels, the terrestrial channels can be watched or recorded, and vice versa.
4. In case of simulcrypted channels, all ecm’s of each slot (cards/cs/sssp/emu) will be processed in parallel, so that the channel open time will be shorter than old versions.
The old core tried ecm’s one by one in every 3 sec, so that at the worst case the channel open time is very long.
And they do not process all possible ecm’s, so some channels does not open.)
5. The size of old core software is very big. No more free space in flash memory to add the new features.
In this case the new software is compressed to half size and the booting time is same as old one.