
SatHunter contains all the necessary information for antenna pointing to the selected satellite. The configuration is done with the help of improvised means (compass or protractor, plumb bob, tape measure) and does not require expensive equipment and in-depth knowledge of satellite television.

SATHUNTER contiene tutte le informazioni 
necessarie per l'antenna puntata verso il satellite selezionato.
Configurazione viene effettuata con l'ausilio di mezzi improvvisati 
(bussola o goniometro, filo a piombo, metro) 
e non richiedono attrezzature costose e di una conoscenza 
approfondita della televisione via satellite
Key features:
- Calculation of the azimuth and elevation of the satellite.
- List of transponders for the satellite receiver settings.
- Calculation of the azimuth of the sun.
- Calculation of the time when the azimuths of the sun and satellite are the same.
- Calculation of the angle of offset and tilt the antenna.
- Calculation multifeed (several sutnikov on one plate).
- Crossing the antenna in azimuth with the sun and a protractor.
- Crossing the antenna in azimuth using a compass.
- Set the angle of inclination of the antenna using the roulette and plumb.
- Definition of origin by IP, or from the list of cities.
- Determination of time on the server the exact time.
- Scanning transponder with SkyStar DVB cards.
- The level and quality of the signal with an alarm.

Size: 13.15 Mb
Language: English
Platform: Windows All

PW: PM Link