MMI 3G Basic (BNav) - Mappa Europa (DISCUSSIONE)
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MMI 3G Basic (BNav)
disponibile nell'area DOWNLOAD
- Contenuto DVD
Germany, Lichtenstein, Austria, Switzerland, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Corsica, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuanian, Macedonia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Sweden, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Hungary, Vatican City, Belarus.
Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra, Belgium, France, Gibraltar, Great Britain, Ireland, Luxemburg, Monaco, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain
- Versione più recente mappa
La versione più recente della mappa Europa per sistema
MMI 3G Basic (BNav)
è la mappa che si trova in area download:
Audi MMI 3G Basic (BNav)
Mappa Europa 2023 (5.36.1)
Il firmware e lo stesso ? K 260 ? Grazie
si e lo stesso BNav_EU_K0260_1_D1
Olá, bom dia,
Estive a actualizar o firmware do MMI da minha carrinha AUDI A4 (B8) e, actualizou o firmware sem problemas mas, ao colocar o mapa no SD1, ele detecta-o 'Encontrada nova base de dados' mas, ao seleccionar o 'SIM', depois, devolve a mensagem 'No update device found' 

Colocando o mapa de 2018, tudo funciona 5 estrelas... perfeito!
Se voltar a colocar o mapa de 2019... volta ao mesmo 
Já fiz download do mapa de várias fontes... já troquei de SD Card... igual 
O mesmo me está a acontecer com este mapa

Alguém é capaz de me ajudar?
Antecipadamente grato,
Paulo Loureiro
p.s. per cortesia, usare un traduttore in lingua italiana, poichè il forum si svolge tutto in lingua italiana
Ultima modifica di fr52; 12-11-2020 alle 14:11
Motivo: lingua da usare sul forum
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i see there the maps for 2019... this is 2020/21 maps so you didnt use the right maps... SD should be formated on FAT32 . good luck 
p.s. per cortesia, usare un traduttore in lingua italiana, poichè il forum si svolge tutto in lingua italiana
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hello claudia80
the pictures i have posted are from 2019 map but, with 2020/2021 map is the same
i already tried some other SD cards on this process...
i alredy used the same SD that actualy is running 2018 maps without any problem to update and still no luck 
MMI detects the new map, ask if you want to update, you say 'YES', it starts analising SD card and then, it stops displaying 'no update device'
any help will be appreciated
best regards and a nice weenkend for you,
Paulo Loureiro
p.s. per cortesia, usare un traduttore in lingua italiana, poichè il forum si svolge tutto in lingua italiana
did you activate with activator from the download link? i dont know if the activator from 2018 will work on 2020/21 maps so you need to use the activator from download link.. i tested on Audi a5 with mmi 3g basic (BNav) , and work great. try with different SD with speed 10, SDHC max 32GB dont use SDXC. good luck.
p.s. per cortesia, usare un traduttore in lingua italiana, poichè il forum si svolge tutto in lingua italiana
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good after noon
i managed to get it working!
i made a 'MMI 3G Emergency Update' and reinstaled everything scratch... firmware and then the actual map posted on the 1st post of this thread
it seems that everything is working well, i will see on the next few days.
probably it was any previous update that was not so good.
thanks anyway for you help.
best regards,
p.s. per cortesia, usare un traduttore in lingua italiana, poichè il forum si svolge tutto in lingua italiana
Paulo Loureiro
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i`m happy you managed to get working.
i was thinking on frimware too. use always trusted frimware, check if someone has tested before 
p.s. per cortesia, usare un traduttore in lingua italiana, poichè il forum si svolge tutto in lingua italiana
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